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The Campaign for Women’s Suffrage in the Highlands (RC)
4 October 2023
Starts: 19:00
Ends: 20:00

Susan Kruse will provide a talk on the latest research on the campaign for Women’s Suffrage in the Highlands, the subject of a forthcoming book she is working on. Men and women in the Highlands were involved for decades campaigning for the vote, but without militancy. These were suffragists, not suffragettes. Come find out more about this interesting part of Highland history.

Free: donations requested to cover room hire 

Venue: Dingwall Community Centre, Tulloch Street, Dingwall

Children welcome if accompanied by an adult

For more ifnormation please contact:

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH)
Tel: 07788 835466
Email: archhighland@googlemail.com
Website: www.archhighland.org.uk


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