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Tour of part of the WW2 defences of Bonar Bridge [SU]
5 October 2023
Starts: 13:30
Ends: 16:00

Tour of part of the WW2 defences of Bonar Bridge

Bonar Bridge was a key defence position designed to block an axis advance north or south. The walk will look at some of the surviving pillboxes and roadblocks built to defend the south side of the bridge. Focusing on the sites by Invercharron, the walk will show how the defences were arranged and the position of these pillboxes were located to maximise the defence of the area.

Meet at Drovers Square in Ardgay at 1.30pm (NGR NH 59955 90458)

Level 2 walk - stout footwear and waterproofs needed

Bookings to:

HES (Allan Kilpatrick)
Tel: 07746973812
Email: allan.kilpatrick@hes.scot


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