Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Research Conference 2024

Save the Date - 5th October 2024

We are currently in the process of planning for a 1 day Confernece which will take place on Saturday 5th October 2024. The programme is currently being put together and we will soon be launching bookings via Eventbrite. Please look out for further details soon. 

The annual conference highlights recent work on the archaeology and heritage of the Highlands, and allows you to browse displays from local groups and organisations.

Venue: Highland Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX

2024 Conference Programme

Watch this space for our 2024 Conference Programme. 

Displays and Poster Sessions

We will have groups dislpaying information about their projects and organisations agian this year as well as poster sessions. These allow groups to briefly showcase projects they have been involved in. Displays are offered by museums, heritage groups, archaeological units and some national organistions, providing a chance to meet and chat with people involved in Highland heritage.

If you would like to display at the Conference please email

Booking a Place

Bookings are now live for the Conference via Eventbrite. Ticket prices are £25, and £15 for students. 

Please book your ticket here 

Other Information:

Further information about catering etc will be made available here soon. 

Please note that there is plenty of parking, but a parking permit should be picked up at the conference registration desk. Entrance is via the glass doors at the western end of the building.


If you have any queries about the HAF Conference 2024, please email us on




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